Da easy Elo ranker

What is Elo ranking?

Elo ranking allows establishing a ranking of any number of elements, by pitting them one against another in a series of fights to the death.

Think about it. If I give you a list of 10 movies and ask you to rank them, it's gonna be hard, isn't it? But if I ask you which one you prefer, among 2, it's easy. Well that's what we do here: we take options 2 by 2, and by doing some crazy advanced math we can rank all of them in a scientifically unassailable way.

I've initially built this for myself, to help in my day job as a product manager. I've written about Elo rating for feature prioritization here.

How to use it

Drop any content in the text area below. Hit "load data" and it will... well guess what it will do. Then, in each fight, vote by clicking on the one you like best. Once you're happy, hit "download csv"

There's even a progress bar! Progress here means: spread between min and max score. Don't read too much into it; you're done when you have the feeling that you get the same questions over and over again.

What is the most :


toggle parameters
if you have no values, drop a list of options with a carriage return at the end of each line. If you already have scores put your data like "item,score". You can also paste the csv content of a previous run to continue ranking (remove the header though)
# Option Score